Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Letdown of the Century

Last night started off fabulously, dear readers. We were wined and dined (with an inordinate amount of shrimp options, might I add) at the Fashion Forty Lounge in the Fashion District, right by Parsons The New School of Design. The lounge was nice by New York standards and outrageously nice by DC standards. The staff was attractive and friendly - who could ask for more?

Every one from the conference was chatting away about the day's events: who had the coolest blogs, who had the best layouts, who had the most unique product available. It was decided that the founder of Wiggly Wigglers - with her Scottish brogue and farmer's sense of humor - was the one with whom we all wanted to grab
a pint. Can you believe she's built a career around selling worms? And she wore the cutest red mary-janes for her presentation. What a woman...

After the party, I had some shopping to do in the form of Century 21 Department Store, the place that everyone and their mother (hi, Elaine) has been telling me I simply must go to when I'm in Manhattan.

Well, dear readers, I'm here to give you sad news. Century 21 was, for the DCGF, a massive, humongous let down. -single tear-

Sure, it's kinda messy (I clandestinely snapped a pic of one of the tidiest corners in the whole store, left), but racks are organized by designer and department, so it's pretty easy to find the type of clothing you might be looking for. There are also children's, men's and shoe deparments (more on that last one later), along with full-price cosmetics and fragrance and other assorted discounted accessories. Many folks were walking out with bags of things. But not this girl.

I plucked from the racks a simple knit tee from Vivenne Westwood's Anglomania line. It's the type of thing I'd buy just to say I have a piece from that line, but only if the price is right. Check the tag: $110.92. That's the SALE price, dear readers. Huh?

Okay, so I just picked up the wrong thing. I saunter over to the Costume National rack and pull up the tag on a blouse. A blouse, mind you. $559.32 reads the tag. What the?! I mean, I know that price is nearly 40% off of retail, but still - aren't I supposed to find great deals here? Um, okay, so maybe shoes will treat me better.

The shoes in the Manhattan Century 21 are now housed next door in their own separate store (although the two connect through a creepy old staircase). Finally - a sale rack. And what is that? Do I spy red soles on a pair of purple suede pumps? Could it be Louboutin's?

Yes, yes it could. But here's the thing: there was only one pair and they were a size - gulp - 35 European (see how they fit neatly in the palm of my friend's hand, at right?). Oh, haha. Oh, that's a good one. I haven't worn that size since first grade. Now, for the woman out there with a size 5 US foot in NYC, I'm telling you, RUN to Century 21 and scoop up these shoes which were, I believe, just a shade over $100. Now that's more like the types of deals I was hoping to find.

Eventually I made a purchase. A cute pair of Faryl Robin platform espadrilles are making their way home with me after being purchase for the relative steal of $29.97, marked down from their original retail of $145.00.

So there you have it: one purchase from the famed Century 21. Now let me tell you this. If I was visiting from Europe and taking advantage of the weak American Dollar, I think this might be one of the first places I visited. I saw two French women scooping up what to them were incredible deals. But unless you're still willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for designers clothes (instead of thousands of dollars, I know), you're probably better off hitting the racks of the Goodwill to find those diamonds in the rough. Just sayin'!

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